U.S. Census Bureau Business Data - access information about businesses - such as the number of business that are in an industry (by NAICS code) in a specific area. Much of this information is also available via American Fact Finder.
ValuationResources.com - includes overviews, key issues, trends and the industry's outlook as well as financial bench marking, compensation surveys and valuation resources.
Industry Outlooks (Deloitte) - industry prediction reports for state government, banking and securities, commercial real estate, energy and resources, insurance, payments, process and industrial products, renewable energy, retail and talent strategies industries
Yahoo Industry Center - Industry Index where you can find financial market data by industry, compare performance of top companies within an industry, and find news and top-ranked analysts.
The world’s largest community of social media professionals. Helps you connect with a community of your peers based on both geography and areas of interest.