Use the tabs at the top of this page to learn more about various research tools available to help you be successful.
LibKey Suite: These resources can help you locate and view journal articles with fewer clicks. helps researchers find articles by DOI or PubMed ID, while LibKey Nomad is a browser extension tool available for Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave that will present full-text and access options available when searching online.
BrowZine: A great service that allows you to discover, browse and read the library’s top scholarly journals, in a fast and easy to use system. Find similar journals available from your library to give you ideas for new paper topics, places to publish or to just raise your awareness of what is being discussed in your field.
SAGE Research Methods: This database has a wide array of tools and materials to support you in your research methods courses, by providing you with tools for every step of the research process
Writing & Citations: The library has compiled resources for a variety of citation formats and also links to writing resources on campus.
Citation Managers: Citation management tools offer online storage for citation information and software to generate citations.