Google Scholar helps you find scholarly literature; Tarleton helps you access it!
When Preferences are set to Tarleton, select FullText Finder @ Tarleton links for access.
From off-campus, use Google Scholar: Off-Campus, and put in your Tarleton username and password.
See this PDF for screenshot instructions.
Some Google Scholar links lead to items on publishers’ pay-per-view web sites. Do not pay!
Create a Google Scholar research profile to track your publications. The library offers guidance on subject specific repositories, academic social networking tactics, impact metrics, and other information that allows you to track and measure your scholarly impact. Find out more from the Scholarly Communication page.
Here are screenshot instructions on how to set up a research profile.
Use the Tarleton Libraries databases, Global Search and the Library Catalog to find articles, books, and media items. Our subject research guides will help you choose which databases to use.
Tarleton Libraries offers several ways for you to get assistance!