List of dissertations and theses published by Tarleton students.
Most books about Tarleton history will be found in this call number range:
Tarleton State University
After Everybody Else Gave Up by Joe Priest"After Everybody Else Gave Up" provides an operational description of a supervised exercise training program in service since 1994 at a university in Texas. The trainers are undergraduate kinesiology students who have volunteered to provide special physical activities for individuals who have various degrees of weakness or paralysis from injury or disease. Having successfully completed studies in anatomy, exercise physiology, motor learning, adaptive and corrective exercise, therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation, and others, these students choose to volunteer for an Applied Learning Experience in the Laboratory for Wellness and Motor Behavior. During the three-hundred-hour experience, the team develops and supervises adaptive movement activities. New trainers arrive each semester to continue the activities and the progress in wellness and motor behavior. The subjects in training include spinal cord injuries, stroke survivors, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, and other neuro-muscular disabilities. They represent students, faculty, staff, or members of the community who have typically been released from conventional health care following injury or disease. With little help and hope, the team approach at the university is significant to both the trainers and the subjects. The book provides perspectives from the developer, the trainers, the subjects, faculty, a hospital administrator, and a participating physician. Trainers describe a valuable hands-on, culminating experience and participants report improved wellness, decreased use of prescription drugs, and increased energy for daily living. This so-called Team KinesiologySM is replicable with millions of individuals standing to benefit from this extended health care.
Call Number: RC953.8 .P58 P75 2017
ISBN: 9781684094523
Publication Date: 2016-12-30
The History of Baptist Student Ministry at Tarleton State University by Barbara Ann CoanThe history of John Tarleton's college in Stephenville, Texas was the setting for the story of Tarleton's Baptist student ministry that began in 1921. The Baptist Student Union met on campus until 1947 when the Baptist General Convention of Texas purchased property for $12,000 from the Jones family one block from the college campus. In 1947, the old house was converted into space for the new ministry with living quarters in the back for the first full-time B.S.U. Director, Felix Gresham. Further improvements to the old building continued until the second and current Baptist student center was built in 1986. The land was purchased for $20,000 by the Erath Baptist Association in 1979 and then given to the Baptist General Convention. The Tarleton Baptist Student Ministry continues to meet the spiritual needs of thousands of students through Beach Reach, Mission trips, Noon Luncheons, Bible Studies, Leadership Training, and Prayer groups.