American Rhetoric Online Speech BankThe Online Speech Bank includes over 5,000 full text, audio, and video recordings of speeches including: public speeches, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, sermons, etc.
Miller Center: Presidential SpeechesThe Miller Center is a nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia, which specializes in presidential scholarship. View full text transcriptions of presidential speeches throughout history.
Famous Speeches & AudioThe History Channel has compiled a selection of famous speeches and audio throughout history.
The Pulitzer PrizesThe Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine, online journalism, literature and musical composition within the United States.
Reporters Committee For Freedom of the PressThis committee in a nonprofit organization based in Washington D.C., which provides pro bono legal services and resources to and on behalf of journalists.
Statistical Data
Pew Research CenterA nonpartisan "fact tank" that conducts public polling, demographic research, content analysis, and other data-driven social science research.
UNESCO Institute for StatisticsA trusted source on internationally-comparable data on education, science, culture, and communication.
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